Monday, December 23, 2013

History Product Donor Walls Now Available for Your Business

What can we do for you?

Friedman Fine Art and Environmental Graphics is in business to showcase your business. Proud of all your hard work, but don’t know how to show it? By making a large scale scrapbook of sorts is a great way to start.

There are a few specific walls that can be created, including a History Wall, Donor Wall, Product Wall and a complete Graphics package.

 Say “thank you” to the donors that have supported your company through a Donor Wall. Everyone that donated financially to the vision of your company will feel like they are truly a part of the company.

Whether it be in your store or in your corporate offices, Product walls are a great way to instill a sense of pride with your clients and employees to show the outcome of all your hard work and determination.

We also can work with you to create a complete Graphics package for your business. From three-dimensional artwork, to oil paintings, photography, etc. We can make your company shine!

This article originally posted at

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